Business : Telecommunications
Telecommunications Directory
21 - 40 of 48 entries.
IVR SolutionsA comprehensive IVR solution for companies looking to develop an onsite system or implement a hosted application.
Kay Communications IncorporatedKay Communications is a southwestern Louisiana telecommunications company that specializes in radio communications for all types of businesses.
Local & Internet Phone ServicesCompare local and internet phone service providers online.
Long Distance Business - Voice T1Company providing telecom consulting, long distance, VOIP, T1/T3, and local phone services for small, medium and large size businesses.
Long Distance ServicesFeatures a large selection of discount calling plans.
Midland Telecom - Business Telephone SystemsAn amalgamation of 3 associated companies that provide telecoms installation services and offering Siemens systems, Nortel voip calls and business telephone systems.
NextRing Office Phone System DealersNextRing phone system dealers design and install business phone systems from leading vendors such as Cisco, Avaya, Nortel and 3Com. Features systems that use IP Telephony and VOIP technologies.
Outbound TelemarketingProfessional answering services and call center customer services specializing in inbound and outbound live answering services.
Phone ProvidersConnect Your Home is a retailer of a variety of home services including home phone, cable and satellite TV, wireless internet, home security, and ID protection.
Prepaid Calling Cards, Prepaid Cell PhonesPremium quality, honest, reliable calling cards. Also, prepaid mobile phones, international long distance, toll free 800 numbers, office anywhere, prepaid Internet, T1 Voice/Data lines and more.
Prepaid International Calling CardsFor some of the best quality low rate international calling cards on the market. Supplying low rate calling cards with reliable customer support for over 10 years. Get your phone card today and save.
Prepaid Long DistancePrepaid long distance service offers best international and domestic long distance telephone rates. Works great for cell phones, residential lines, pay phones, work lines and more.
Professional Answering ServiceMessageBase is a telephone answering service and virtual offices company based in Richmond, London.
Real Time Services AudiovisualA full service audiovisual systems integration company serving the world. Services include audiovisual installation and integration, teleconferencing, audiovisual staffing and outsourcing.
Redrock Consulting - Telecoms JobsRedrock Consulting attract candidates looking for jobs in telecommunications and IT. Clients incluce telecommunications blue chip companies and SME's looking to have the best people work for them.
Russian Calling CardsGlobal Papa Prepaid Calling Phone Cards with No Connection charge, lowest international/domestic telephone rates, 1 minute minimum, Local Access Numbers, toll free 800 access; by Long Distance Post.
RV Satellite SystemsProfessional satellite systems for RV's, offices, buses, ships, trailers and more. MobilSat is dedicated to bringing broadband satellite connections wherever you need it.
SAtellite Phone ServicesGlobalCom offers many satellite phones by Globalstar and Iridium. Call or email with your satellite phone from anywhere to everywhere.
Small Business Phone SystemsSmall business communications specialist that supplies telephone systems to small businesses all over Australia.